Docker Deployment Methods#

Docker Standalone#

This method assumes you have Docker installed and running on your server.

  1. Ensure you are in the root directory of the project.

  2. Pull the Docker image

    docker pull


    If your environment does not allow you to pull the Docker image, you can build it from the Dockerfile using the following command. You can then push the image to a Docker registry.

    docker build -t .
  3. Run the Docker container

The following command will run the Docker container. The container also requires the providers.yml file. The -v flag will mount the providers.yml file as a volume. If your providers.yml references additional secret files, you can mount it as a volume as well. The -d flag is used to run the container in the background. We also include the --rm flag to ensure the container is removed after it has finished.

  • Run the Docker container (Once)

    docker run -d --rm \
        --env-file .env \
        -v $(pwd)/providers.yml:/app/providers.yml \
        -v $(pwd)/secrets:/app/secrets \
  • Run the Docker container (Scheduled)

    docker run -d --rm \
        --env-file .env \
        -v $(pwd)/providers.yml:/app/providers.yml \
        -v $(pwd)/secrets:/app/secrets \ \
        /app/.venv/bin/censys-cc scan --daemon 4


    The –daemon flag will run the connector in the background. The number specifies the number of hours between each scan.

  • Run the Docker container (Without secrets mounted)

    docker run -d --rm \
        --env-file .env \
        -v $(pwd)/providers.yml:/app/providers.yml \

Docker Compose#

This method assumes you have Docker and Docker Compose installed and running on your server.

  1. Run the Docker Compose file

    docker-compose up -d
  2. (Optional) Run your connector on a scheduled interval

    Uncomment the line # command: scan --daemon 4 in docker-compose.yml.


    Learn more about the available options for the scan command.