Command Line Interface#


usage: censys-cc [-h] [-v] {config,scan} ...
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

-v, --version#

display version

censys-cc config#

Configure Censys Cloud Connectors

usage: censys-cc config [-h] [-p [PROVIDER]]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

-p {aws,azure,gcp}, --provider {aws,azure,gcp}#

specify a cloud service provider: [‘aws’, ‘azure’, ‘gcp’]

censys-cc scan#

Scan with Censys Cloud Connectors

usage: censys-cc scan [-h] [-p PROVIDER [PROVIDER ...]] [-d [SCAN_INTERVAL]]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

-p {aws,azure,gcp}, --provider {aws,azure,gcp}#

specify one or more cloud service provider(s): [‘aws’, ‘azure’, ‘gcp’]

-d <scan_interval>, --daemon <scan_interval>#

run on a scheduled interval (must be greater than or equal to 1 hour)